Contact Us

If you have a question or want to talk to us for any reason, you can contact us using the form below. We’re always happy to hear from you! However, if you’re just looking for a quick answer to a question, please make sure you’ve skimmed the FAQs first to see if your answer is already there.

We aim to reply to all emails within one or two business days, so if you don’t hear back from us in that timeframe, there was probably a tech glitch and your message got eaten! In that case, please try again.

NOTE: If you don’t receive a reply from Kitty within 24 hours after you contact us, please check your spam or junk folder! Apparently a lot of email systems have been putting our responses there. We always reply promptly to any message we get.

Note (Sep 22/23): we’ve been having some trouble with the reCaptcha system on our site and are working to get it fixed. In the meantime, you can email us directly. The domain is “” and the mailbox is “info”.

Your Contact Information
Your Message
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 30