Category: Blog

Summer is Here

Summer is here and it’s a toasty one so far.

On the upside, we’re getting ready for Animethon (August 11-13 in Edmonton).  It’s always a fun show and I know it will be here before we know it!

On the downside, Facebook has been silently refusing to publish any posts or comments I’ve made for weeks now.  If you’ve tried to contact us through Facebook, assume it didn’t get through to us and please email us directly or use our contact form.

New Design: Regency Jacket

Sometimes one thing really does lead to another.  In this case a single image made Kitty think “I’d like to try something like that for myself!”  It was only meant to be for her own wardrobe, but  – after many interations and discussions and quibbles over quarter inches – the end result made us think that it had more of a future than that.

So Kitty made up a couple of samples for Amelia (our mannequin).  It looked good on her too (see the gallery)!  Since Kitty and Amelia don’t resemble each other in the slightest, we’re optimistic that this jacket will look good on most women of various shapes.

Hopefully, Kitty will be able to get a small batch of these made up for Calgary Comic Expo (April 27-30th).

Why call it the Regency Jacket?

The English Regency took place 200 years ago (1811-1820) and dresses of the period typically had a very high waistline, often referred to as an empire waist.  Given that this jacket has a waistline up to the same level, it seemed natural to name it after the period.


Amelia’s New Clothes

Kitty has been designing again!

Some ideas take a while to come to fruition.  This one has been percolating on the back burner for a while now.  Inspired in part by Steampunk harnesses, vests, and mini-corsets, Kitty finally had the  time to put these various ideas together and try making a prototype.

And then she made some corections and made another prototype…

And then she made another one…

And another…

You get the idea.  It takes a while to design something.  You go through as many iterations as it takes until you either laugh manaically and throw it on the fire, or you stand back and think “I like it.”

We like it.  Here are a few snaps:

What to call it?  Until a better name comes along, I will use the term Amelia’s Vestlet.  Amelia (our mannequin) is wearing it and it’s vesty. Vest-ish?

Regardless of what it’s called, we’re planning to have a small number of them with us at CCEE (April 27-30th).  See you then!


SSL Security Added

We’ve added SSL security to our website!  Basically, this means all traffic between you and our website is fully encrypted.  Look for the “https” or little lock icon to let you know it’s working.  If you don’t see that, please let us know as we think security is very important.  Even if you’re just sending us your address (we never store credit card information), it should be encrypted.